Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This one word pretty much sums up my "snow day" yesterday. We had some excitement yesterday morning if only for a short while. My friend Tracy called to see if we wanted to meet up with her and our friend Amy at the Bounce House. Of course I said yes. A couple of days stuck in the house= pent up energy among children. I was more than ready to let them loose for a while.
Evan had started out our morning by having a nice little blowout, but he was seemingly fine so off we went. Things went lovely. The kids played, played, and played some more. Tracy, Amy, and I got some much needed adult conversation. Evan just hung out in the stroller being oh so good. I should have gotten the red flag there. He is normally pretty laid back, but he was extra laid back yesterday. I had just finished feeding Evan his lunch when I heard it- another blowout. So off to the restroom we went. This is where it got interesting. As I was changing Evan he proceeded to shoot out poop halfway across the bathroom stall. Seriously, I didn't know it could go that far. Poor baby! As I was cleaning him up, Tracy came in to let me know that Ty had been accidentally kicked in the eye. Praise the Lord it was his left eye and not the right one. So as she was cleaning the blood off of one kid, I was cleaning the poop off of another.
When I went to examine Ty he had a cut right at the corner of his eye, which was bleeding pretty bad. You never know with him what will happen so Tracy called the pediatrician for me to let them know that we would be coming in (it was lunch time). I kind of got tickled at Dr. Greg b/c as soon as Trace told him she was calling for me he said, "What's wrong with Ty?" Ya think Ty goes to the doctor much? Seriously though, I couldn't ask for two more caring doctors in the state of Tenn. They have seen us through some rough times, and been so concerned just like Ty was one of their own. I digress though. After Andy had been called to come help me round up the troops, and take Ty to the doctor we were off. Evan had once again pooped. More changing going on...
Andy took Ty to see Dr. Abby while I took Evan and Tris home. At this point I was completely out of baby wipes and Evan needed a new outfit. Praise God that everything was fine with Ty. Abby said it was just a cut and would probably be swollen and bruised. That it is! I think it really looked worse than it was. Ty's PWS causes so much blood flow when he is cut. We really couldn't stop it from bleeding. I am so thankful that he wasn't hit in his right eye. I try not to think about the fact that he only has one working eye. I can not and refuse to not let him live in a "bubble" for fear of him damaging the only good eye he has. That is not to say that the fear sometimes doesn't consume me. What if?? How will it change our lives?? Ty's life?? The thoughts start running through my head. I then trust in the only thing that I know is true My God is Sovereign!!! It will be just fine.

Evan proceeded to poop and throw up most of the day yesterday, as well as run a fever. He is still running a low grade fever today. Hopefully most of the pooping and throwing up has ended. He is resting pretty well right now. So eventful summed up the day. Never a dull moment when you have children. Please pray for Evan to get over this nasty bug and for Ty's eye to heal quickly.
On another note, I wanted to request prayer for my friend Tracy along with many of my church family. They leave this week on a mission trip to SE Asia. Pray for travel mercies, families left behind at home, luggage/supplies to arrive fully and on time, and missions to be accomplished. We are praying for you all and love you guys!!!
Until the next eventful time....

Monday, January 19, 2009

Not me! Monday

Oh boy! It's that time again. Not me! Monday time. This little blog fun was started by Mckmama at Check out the other Not me! Monday blogs and come on join in the fun.

I am NOT totally addicted to "The Batchelor" and "The Biggest Loser". That would be way too much time spent aimlessly doing nothing.

I have NOT slept in socks, pajamas, and a oversized chenille robe the whole past week because it has NOT been so cold that even polar bears don't want to be out.

I did NOT stand by and watch as my niece Rachael and Tristan did this to Ty today
He did NOT completely love every minute of it.

I did NOT let them in turn do this to me today.

and I most certainly do NOT look like Dee Dee from the Doodlebops. Ya, you know the one.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Totally Toothless

I took Ty to the dentist a couple of weeks ago to lose his three front teeth! A little background info for everyone who is confused at this point. When Ty was just a little over three years old he fell on the tile in our kitchen- teeth first. OUCH! He knocked his two front teeth way loose. They were in fact just dangling. So off to the ER we went. They then referred us to Dr. Mike Mysinger, Ty's pediatric dentist. He proceeded to pull his two front teeth. The front side tooth was a little loose, but he said it should be okay. So we went on our merry way. Then the next weekend at church, Ty fell off of his chair and landed no other than front side tooth first onto the chair. So the side front tooth proceeded to dangle. Back to Dr. Mysinger we went. Okay at this point I am sure DHS is going to come, but luckily we made it without questioning;)

Dr. Mysinger then told us that since he was so young we had an option of getting a false bridge for Ty. I figured since his permanent teeth wouldn't come in for a few more years at least we should do it. So my three year old was fitted with three front false teeth. They looked beautiful I might add.

Now back to the original story. Of course since Ty doesn't do anything normal and by the book, he lost his bottom front teeth early. The bottom front teeth came in really fast and early. Apparently, it takes around a year for the bottom front teeth to come in after you lose the baby ones. The dentists have never met Ty though. So Dr. Mike said that once he lost his bottom two teeth, in 6 months we would take the bridge out. Well what do I notice, but Ty's top permanent teeth starting to come in with the bridge still in. 6 months was not going to happen. So I made the call and off we went for the removal of the bridge. He cracked me up just laying there. Dr. Mike popped it out and drilled off some of the cement, and then it was off to the treasure box. He made it look so easy. Although I told the dental assistant that she just had no idea what he has been through in his short 5 years. A little scraping of tooth cement is nothing. So all of that LONG story to present to you...........


Ith'nt he stho sthweet! We sthure sthink stho!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Not me! Monday

Oh boy! It's that time again. Not me! Monday time. This little blog fun was started by Mckmama at Check out the other Not me! Monday blogs and come on join in the fun.

After mentioning to my Life Group yesterday that I was going to put a bean bag at the bottom of our stairs to catch Evan when he fell, I did NOT ponder actually doing it.

After deciding I had better not. I did NOT use the bean bags to make a doorway gate upstairs in our hallway.

I did NOT think to myself, "You ROCK!, problem solved" I did NOT then think to myself, "Not so great idea!" after pole vaulting the bean bags no less than 15 times. I think maybe a gate would just be cheaper. My back says it would for sure.

I did NOT send Tristan to a slumber party Friday night without her sleeping bag and pillow. I mean HELLO! two words: SLEEP OVER! Whew, good thing I do NOT do things like that.

I did NOT enjoy a two hour nap on Saturday. So much in fact that I most certainly did NOT drool so much that it was NOT all over my pillow and my shirt. Whew! I must NOT have needed that rest at all.

I do NOT still have two bags of Christmas wrapping paper trash in my basement. We are all cleaned up.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

10 and counting

Evan is 10 months now. Oh, where has the time gone? I can't believe it has flown by so fast. Evan is such a cutie patootie, even if he is my own. He is doing all sorts of great things. He just learned to crawl the week before Christmas. It is so funny to watch him explore the house. He has absolutely no interest in his Christmas toys. I have laughed to watch Tristan and Ty, who are 7 and 5, play with the infant toys while Evan trys to get into things. I can already tell my hands will be full.
He is saying da da, ma ma, and of course my favorite when he is finished eating he says, "AAAllll Du" as in all done. It is so cute. He is truly a mommy's boy, and just loves to give me "love" This of course is in the form of wet open mouthed kisses, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
His newest adventure is pulling up on anything he can. I am sure walking will not be far behind.
God's surprises are the biggest blessings when they are in the form of a child. Andy and I never planned to have a third child, but God knew just what we needed. We love you sweet Evan boo!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Not me! Monday

Oh boy! It's that time again. Not me! Monday time. This little blog fun was started by Mckmama at Check out the other Not me! Monday blogs and come on join in the fun.

So guess who's child took 7 days of a 10 day antibiotic before his mom realized that this particular antibiotic must be refrigerated? Nope, Not mine!

I did NOT realize this until the medicine turned a funky color and had a funky smell to it.

I have NOT probably given my child the funk now that was created by a stale antibiotic. Not me!

I did NOT read all over the bottle to find "must be refrigerated" written in lettering the size of a pencil lead. This was NOT an issue b/c we all know from last weeks Nots that my eyes are NOT that bad!

I did NOT then have to call the doctor's office and leave them a message about what a great mom I am! I did NOT proceed to then tell the nurse when she called back that I did not need anymore kids b/c I couldn't keep track of the ones I had. Who says that to a medical professional? Not me!

Evan is now NOT on another 10 day dosage when he should already be finished.

This is NOT the third time in Evan's 10 months here on Earth that I have botched him up medicine wise. I have NOT been giving him way less Tylenol to control his ear pain than his rather large 23 1/2 pound body needs. I did NOT finally ask the pharmacist b/c Evan's ears were still hurting. Apparently, the Tylenol didn't touch the pain. Hmmm! wonder why?
I did NOT give him Ty's glaucoma medicine while we were at the beach when he was just 3 months old. Nope, Not Me!

Evan did NOT climb up to the fourth stair yesterday. I did NOT hear a boom, followed by crying. Ty did NOT yell for me b/c Evan had fallen down the stairs. I mean for crying out loud, what kind of mother lets their 10 month old near the stairs;)? Certainly, NOT me!

And finally, these posts are most certainly NOT all about Evan. Poor little guy! Yes folks, don't let it scare you that I have three kiddos. I am a perfect mother!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas at our house

It was a good year at our house so it seems. The kids got loads of goodies, and Andy bought me a wonderful new video camera from the 21st century. My other one weighed 10 pounds. This one is so light, and actually takes DVDs. Whatever will I do without all of those tapes? I love it. He also got me a larger lens for my Nikon camera. Yay! I have been wanting that so bad.

Here is a look at Santa's trail of presents for the kiddos

They were thrilled with their gifts and played the whole day. This was Evan's first Christmas, and he was so excited by all of the commotion. He loved his Radio Flyer rocking horse.

We were defintely blessed this year. We were so wiped out after Christmas that on the 26th Ty slept until 12:30pm. We wound up taking Evan to the doctor b/c he had an ear infection. Needless to say, Andy and I didn't sleep for about 4-5 days. I did find that this year it was much harder trying to take pictures of three children opening gifts instead of two. I am sure that next year will prove even more difficult since Evan will actually be old enough to understand opening presents.

Ty's birthmark

Ty's birthmark
Ty before laser treatments

Tyler's Birthmark

A port wine stain (PWS) is a congenital birthmark that affects approximately 3 out of every 1,000 people. They are most commonly found on the face and neck, but they can be found elsewhere. The underlying dilated blood vessels cause the red/pink color of the PWS. When Ty gets upset or hot the blood flow to his face increases causing the birthmark to appear redder. When Ty is colder and the blood flows away from his face the PWS can appear invisible. If left untreated, the vessels may become enlarged and elevate the skin causing the surface to take on a cobble appearance. Sometimes the PWS can also develop into a deep purple color. Occassionally, the vessels can create overgrowth causing the area where the PWS is to become larger than normal.
PWS are present at birth and usually clearly visible. PWS grow with the person and never regress.
The problems of PWS can now be treated by laser.
With different wavelengths a laser beam can be made to react upon materials of only certain colors and densities. The laser is tuned to only affect the darker more dense blood vessels deep in the skin that cause the birthmark, leaving the lighter less dense outer skin with minimal damage.Unfortunately, at this time, most people do not see complete removal of their birthmark by laser treatments. 10%-15% of those treated see 75%-100% fading, 70%-80% see 25%-75% fading, and 10%-15% see 0%-25% fading.
Treatments have a better chance of being effective when a person is still young. The skin is thinner and the mark is smaller. The skin has also not been exposed to the sun as much on a young infant or child. The sun thickens the skin and makes it darker, which in turn keeps the laser from penetrating the skin and hitting the vessels. Ty has had 15 treatments so far, beginning when he was 2 ½ months old. He will be 5 years old in Sept. 2008. He has had 80%-90% lightening in most areas, and almost complete clearing of the pws on his neck. The hardest areas to treat are the mask area around the eyes, and his lip area. Ty’s laser doctor is Dr. Roy Geronemus. He is the director of the Laser and Skin Surgery Center in New York, Ny. Ty goes to New York’s Eye and Ear Infirmiry for his laser treatments and eye surgeries/appointments for treatment under anesthesia. The healing time varies for Ty’s laser treatments. It is usually between 10-15 days, but we may see fading for up to a few months. There's no definitive number of treatments that Ty will need. So far we have always seen some improvement so we continue to get them. He will always need to maintain treatment in order to keep the PWS from getting darker again.

A PWS may also be a marker for associated syndromes such as Sturge Weber. Sturge-Weber Syndrome (encephelotrigeminal angiomatosis) is a congenital, non-familial disorder of unknown incidence and cause. It is characterized by a congenital facial birthmark and neurological abnormalities. Other symptoms associated with Sturge-Weber can include eye and internal organ irregularities. Each case of Sturge-Weber Syndrome is unique and exhibits the characterizing findings to varying degrees.
Ty has had three MRIs to check if the vessels were involved in his brain. Brain involvement is one of the symptoms of SWS, and it can cause seizures. All MRIs were clean for vessels in the brain. Ty does have a malformation behind his eye in the area called the chrodial area, which is another marker for SWS. Since his birthmark covers his eyes, the blood vessels are causing the intraocular pressure in his eyes to elevate. Therefore, he has been diagnosed with glaucoma in both eyes. This malformation, along with his glaucoma, attribute to Ty’s diagnosis of SWS. One reason why his eyes stay so squinty and red all of the time is due to his glaucoma. Glaucoma can cause light sensitivity and watering of the eyes. It can also cause loss of vision and enlarged corneas. Ty has had 9 surgeries to control his glaucoma. Unfortunately, it can not be cured only controlled. He takes three different types of drops two times every day. He will most likely have frequent surgeries on his eyes for the rest of his life, or until a cure for glaucoma is found. In May of 2007, Ty developed a severe bacterial infection in his left eye. He was in the hospital for a week getting his eye injected with antibiotics. The result of this infection coupled with his severe glaucoma has left him blind in his left eye. This is also the reason for the droopiness and the physical appearance of his eye. He has since been able to see an ocularist. She formed a new partial prosthetic eye for him. You can not even tell that it isn't real. It is so cool. We are still learning day by day about PWS/SWS/Glaucoma. The hardest part about Ty's condition is not knowing what the future holds for him. We just take it day by day and rely on our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to help us through.

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little about Ty and his condition. For more information, please visit the sources of the above information at,, and

What Ty's skin looks like after having a laser treatment

Tyler after 15 laser treatments

Sturge-Weber Syndrome Awareness